1. • What is meant by cryptanalysis?

  2. • What are the two main ways in which a cryptosystem can be attacked?

  3. • What is the main difference between a block cipher and a stream cipher?

  4. • When we say an encryption algorithm is strong, what exactly do we mean?

  5. • If a symmetric encryption key is 64 bits in length, what are the chances of an attacker guessing the right key on each attempt?

  6. • What is the difference between a ciphertext only attack and a known plaintext attack? What is a chosen plaintext attack?

  7. • “It is impossible to design an unbreakable encryption scheme”. Discuss this statement.

  8. • What is meant by steganography? Give an example. What are its benefits and drawbacks, compared with encryption?

  9. • What is meant by steganography? Give an example. What are its benefits and drawbacks, compared with encryption?

  10. • Give an example of an encryption scheme that cannot be broken by brute force, no matter how much processing power is used

  11. • Decrypt the following English text, which was encrypted with a Caesar cipher: VBPPHWULF

  12. • What is a transposition cipher? Give an example.

  13. • Describe the operation of a single round of a Feistel cipher.

  14. • Give 3 examples of Feistel ciphers

  15. • List the 5 elements that define a Feistel Cipher

  16. • A Feistel cipher is described as follows: Block size: 8 bits No. of rounds: 4 Key size: 6 bits Round Function, F: XOR the two inputs and then perform a right circular shift of 1 bit on the result Subkey generation function: If we write the 6 bits of the key as b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 then K1 = b1 b2 b3 b4 K2 = b3 b4 b5 b6 K3 = b2 b3 b4 b5 K4 = b1 b2 b5 b6 Using this cipher, encrypt the plaintext 01011100 with the key 110101.

  17. • The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) was selected in 2001 from several algorithms that met the minimum requirements laid down. List 5 of the criteria that were used to select from these qualified algorithms?

  18. • Give an overview of the operation of the DES algorithm.

  19. • Give an overview of the operation of the AES algorithm.

  20. • Explain what is Triple DES (3DES) and how it differs from DES. Use a diagram.

  21. • What are the drawbacks of using a block cipher in Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode?

  22. • How does CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) work? Use a diagram to illustrate.

  23. • Explain how a Counter Mode (CTR) cipher works. What are its advantages over chaining modes such as CBC.

  24. • Explain how Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode allows a block cipher can be used as a stream cipher.

  25. • How does link encryption differ from end-to-end encryption?

  26. • Give one scenario where you might recommend link encryption over end-to-end encryption

  27. • Give one scenario where you might recommend end-to-end encryption over link encryption